API Gateway

AWS API Gateway
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About API Gateway

There are 2 types of API:

  • RESTfull, that uses JSON, which is the one we’ll focus on (70%+ uses this one… luckily)
  • SOAP API (Simple Object Access), that uses XML

API Gateway allows us, a developer, publish, maintain, monitor and secure our APIs. API Gateway basically exposes REST API HTTPS endpoints, and manages what each API endpoint “maps to” in the backend, what it triggers.

What you need to do is:

  • Define your API container, along with Resources (URL paths)
  • Select HTTP METHODS that are supported
  • Choose Target, such as EC2, Lambda, DynamoDB etc.
  • Set Request and Response Transformations

TIP: If you buy your domain name in Route 53, you get a TLS certificate for free, from the AWS Certificate `Manager.

API Caching You can CACHE your endpoints response, to reduce the number of calls to the backend. Response is being cached during the TTL time.

TIP: CORS is a mechanism that PREVENTS cross site scripting (XSS) in AWS API Gateway.

TIP: You can import API from Swagger.

Last modified May 1, 2020: s3 done (627e93e)