CDN: CloudFront

CloudFront, an AWS Content Delivery Network
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About CDN, CloudFront

CDN is a Content Delivery Network, that delivers content from a physical location called Edge Locations, which are closer to the user, therefore improving the user experience.

CloudFront: Key concepts

Edge Location, where content is cached:

  • Origin: origin of all the files that are distributed, more often S3, EC2, ALB or R53.
  • Distribution: Name given to the CDN, collection of Edge locations:
    • Web Distribution, used for websites, HTTP or HTTPS
    • RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol): used for Media Streaming

TIP: We can also use CloudFront for Transfer Acceleration!

TIP: If you need to RESTRICT access on your website, something like restricted videos for premium members, you would do that using the SIGNED URLs.

TIP: You can Whitelist or Blacklist countries you want to allow/deny access.


Before we get into Code, let’s understand what we’re building. Check out the diagram below:

Cognito CloudFront Route53

Last modified June 8, 2020: AWS Diagrams Added (c98aff0)